Descent into Avernus

Descent into Avernus Episode 08 – The Hidden Lord

TL;DW / Recap

The Dickbags continue their search through the Vanthamper estate with their host(age) Amrik. After leading the group to the vault, Amrik uses a combination to open the door. Inside they find a number of tables with coffers on top, and an elderly man who identifies himself as Thavius Krieg, the Leader of Elturel. The group also notice’s that Thavius’ shadow does not match his form, but rather that of a pudgy fiend with small wings. Ser Nedir uses his divine sense and determines that there is a fiendish presence, but it’s not coming from Thavius. The presence is actually coming from a shield on the back wall. Upon closer inspection, Ser Nedir sees that there is a slight celestial nature to the shield in addition to the fiendish aura.

Ser Nedir touches the shield and immediately begins to hear a voice in his head. After a brief mental discussion, Nedir informs the group that the shield is possessed by an entity that refers to itself as the “Hidden Lord”. When asked about the shield and his shadow, Thavius acknowledges that he sensed the fiendish presence, but had not communicated with the shield. He also noticed that his shadow changed as soon as he was brought to the estate by the Vanthamper guards.

Meanwhile, Liam hears a group of guards approching and quickly gets everyone into the vault before shutting the door. The wait quietly inside for the patrol to pass by, but they seem to stop outside the door. A moment later the vault door opens revealing two cultists, two fanatics, and two ravens that look very similar to those the Dickbags saw at the Low Lantern. As the ravens fly into the room, they drop their disguise revealing their true Imp form. Amrik knows these to be from his brother Thurstwell and proceeds to hide in the corner.

Ser Nedir grabs the shield from the wall and proceeds to use it to block the attacks of the cultists and fanatics. A battle ensues. Elder Storm takes out an Imp and Cultist with his javalin of lightning, while Ser Nedir finds that the new shield allows him to cast wall of fire, taking out the fanatic at the vault entrance. The group makes short work of the remaining cultists.

Thavius states that he would like to get out of there, but the Dickbags first need to find some physical evidence that ties Duke Vanthamper to the cult of the dead 3. Before leaving the vault, Liam takes a peek in each of the coffers. He finds a large quantity of electrum, gold, and platinum as well as a tattoo needle and broken dagger. Elder Storm takes the needle, Liam grabs a bit of platinum, and Toph grabs the two dagger pieces (useing mending to repair them). Reya and Thavius decide to stay in the vault and hide while the group continues their investigation. Thavius also tells them that he overheard the cultists taking about a shrine that was somewhere in the basement. If they could find the location of this shrine and relay it to Captain Zodge, then the Flaming Fist could return and verify. A cultist shrine in their own establishment may be the proof they need.

Unsure where to go, the Dickbags lock Reya and Thavius in the vault (to keep them safe) and continue wandering the halls. They eventually make their way to the prison, where they find a jailor that has a tentacle-like beard. The group swoops in to attack. For a moment, the group is not focused on Amrik and he takes the opportunity to flee down the hall and around the corner. Liam takes off after him while the rest of the group finishes off the jailor.

Will Liam catch up to Amrik before he escapes? If not, how will they get Reya and Thavius out of the vault? Things are quickly spiraling out of control….

Descent into Avernus

Descent into Avernus Episode 07 – Cloak & Dagger, Dagger, Dagger

TL;DW / Recap

Having completed their day of shopping and getting food at the Full Aweful, the Dickbags get ready for the next phase of their journey. They approach the Low Lantern, a merchant ship that is no longer sea worthy and has been permanently docked with large chains. As they step onto the deck of the ship, they find a number of dead seagulls. Ser Nedir takes a closer look and finds they were all stung multiple times by some unknown source.

They proceed to the lower deck and find the tavern. Several patrons are spread throughout and engaged in various drinking and gambling. Elder Storm approaches the bar and sees a kenku (Gary) bartending. As he proceeds to order some ale, the kenku begins repeating back what Elder is saying. Ser Nedir moves out amongst the patrons to see what he can observe while Liam and Toph approach Laraelra, the ship’s captain. Toph explains that they are looking for work and heard they could find something here that may or may not be “legal”. The Captain acknowledges their offer, but indicates that she runs her business “above board”. What her patrons do, however, is not of her concern. She further explains that they are welcome to partake in any drinking/gambling that occurs and can see a gentleman further below deck if they are in need of some coin.

The Dickbags regroup and head down another level, where they find another bar with yet another kenku bartending (also named Gary). They find Amrik near the aft, sitting at a table. They all approach and indicate that they’ve recently spoken with his brother, Mortlock. Taken aback by the group and their involvement with his brother, Amrik throws a smoke bomb and proceeds to run away. The Dickbags pursue. Ser Nedir is able to cast Champion Challenge, preventing Amrik from willingly moving too far from Nedir. Liam gets ahead of Amrik to block his path and ends up taking the brunt of Amrik’s attacks (dagger, dagger, dagger). Nedir then has to square off with a guard and accidentally smashes his sword into the floor, causing the wood to break. Nedir and the guard both fall through to the deck below. Nedir just manages to stay within range of Amrik to maintain his tether. Elder Storm and Liam continue their pursuit of Amrik. Through a surprising display of acrobatics, Liam is able to get ahead of Amrik on the stairs and block his escape. Unable to run, Amrik proceeds to give up.

They all return to the table to proceed their discussion of the Vanthamper family and its ties with the Cult of the Dead 3. While Amrik denies any such involvement, Elder Storm is able to intimidate him enough to at least cooperate with them. He offers to escort the group to his family’s villa, providing them safe passage into upper city in the process. He agrees to help them get by without being noticed so that they can look around and do any investigation they need. Amrik also points out that his mother, Thalamra Vanthamper, has recently had a guest that she doesn’t want anyone to know about. The group decide that this “guest” may be just the leverage they need to prove the Vanthamper’s involvement with the cult.

The Dickbags proceed to leave the Low Lantern with Amrik, when they encounter a cloaked figure on the main deck. She identifies herself as Reya Mantlemorne, a Hell Rider from Elturel. She explains that she witnessed the light of the companion turn black. It was then that the city of Elturel started to crumble and disappear. All that is left now is a crater. She came to Baldur’s Gate because she heard rumors that their leader, High Overseer Thavius Krieg, was escorted here by Vanthamper guards. Reya asks if she can join the group as they search the villa in hopes of finding their leader. They agree.

As they make their way to the villa, they pass through a number of guards at the gates to the upper city. Amrik informs the guards that the party is with him and they are allowed to pass without question. When they get to the villa they find three sets of guards patrolling the parimeter. Per Amrik’s recommendation, they find a section on the north-east side that they can climb over the wall and hide behind some bushes unseen. They quickly make their way into house by way of the kitchen, managing to avoid the patrolling guards. Amrik leads them to the basement and through a series of tunnels. He points them to the room where the “guest” was likely staying. The group searches the room and while it does appear to have been occupied, there is nobody present. Liam picks the lock on a nearby chest and finds a symbol of Thorm, something Reya confirms the High Overseer may have had. They backtrack and check the nearby kitchen/dining hall only to find them empty as well.

Amrik informs the Dickbags that the basement tunnels are also patrolled by guards so it would be in their best interests to either stay in the guest room (waiting for the guest to return, hopefully alone) or make their way to the family vault, which guards are not allowed to enter. Though reluctent about Amrik’s sudden enthusiasm about their family vault, the group decides it is best not to hang around for too long. They make their way through some more tunnels until they reach the vault door. Amrik enters the combination causing the door to slide open. Inside they see several coffers as well as an old man holding a candle. As they look past the old man they notice that his shadow does not resemble an old man, but rather that of a horned fiend.

Did Amrik just lure the Dickbags into a trap or is there something to be learned from this mysteries creature?

Descent into Avernus

Descent into Avernus Episode 06 – Full Aweful Trades

TL;DW / Recap

After regaining their strength from their adventure in the cultists lair, the Dickbags prepare for what lies ahead. They have a light breakfast at the Elf Song (basically just breads and cheeses) and Toph has Allan make her a bloody mary, which ends up being high proof wine with fresh squeezed tomatoes and a lot of pepper. They inquire with Allan about the Low Lantern. He indicates that Laraelra is the propietor and it handles its share of shady business.

The group heads out to Master Thunderstone’s Saving & Deposit (a local bank). They inquire about exchanging some coin and discover there is a 5% convenience fee (or 2% if they have an account with at least 100gp). Elder Storm hands over 10 platinum and opens an account. The rest of the group proceeds to exchange their coin by piggybacking off of Storm’s new account.

The Dickbags then head to see Captain Zodge. They inform him that the cultist lair has been cleared out and all but one cultist eliminated. They also indicate that the Vanthampers were being the cult’s activities. Zodge asks for any proof in these accusations, but the group only has the lead of finding Amarik Vanthamper at the Low Lantern tavern. Zodge tells the group that they are officially conscripted and asks that they continue pursuing this lead. If they can find proof that Duke Vanthamper was indeed involved, he will award them some magical items that they have confiscated. Given the choice of continuing their mission or being thrown in jail, the Dickbags have little choice but to agree to the mission.

Before heading the to Low Lantern, they decide to visit the Trade District. Ser Nedir finds an alchemist (Terry Sprigleaf) who is able to identify a couple of vials that they found in the lair as potions of fire breath. Elder Storm purchases two healing potions and Liam/Toph barter to procur an Alchemy Jug. Liam then heads out to find a nearby Blacksmith (Glen Sootfoot) and commissions him to craft some new shurikens. Ser Nedir trades in his chainmail armor and some gem stones to get some heartier splint mail armor.

Continuing their journey through the trade district, the Dickbags stop by the “Full Aweful” for some falafels, which are actually pretty good. Elder Storm runs back to the blacksmith a purchases a copper cup so that he may utilize Liam’s endless supply of alcohol. The group then heads to the Low Lantern, a tri-masted merchant ship. It is in clear need of repair and no longer sea worthy so it has been permanently docked with large chains.

What awaits the Dickbags in this shady tavern? How will they prove the Vanthampers are involved in this crazy conspiracy with the Cultist of the Dead 3?

Descent into Avernus

Descent into Avernus Episode 05 – A Storm’s Tale

TL;DW / Recap

Having saved Mortlock Vanthamper and uncovered the purpose behind the Cult of the Dead 3, the group continues their pursuit of the remaining cultist (the Death Head of Bhaal). They find the Death Head in the adjacent room with along with 3 status depicting Myrkul, Bane, and Bhaal. The group manages to flank him and a battle ensues. The Death Head soon finds himself in need of an exit. He attacks Liam twice with his dagger, causing Liam to fall to the floor unconscious once again. As the Death Head begins to flee, Elder Storm seizes the opportunity and delivers the killing blow.

With the cult now eradicated (mostly), Elder Storm performs a prayer of healing bringing Liam back to consciousness and providing some aid to Mortlock. They inspect a couple of the nearby statues. As Ser Nedir approaches the statue of Bane, he quickly finds himself kneeling in front of it. Perplexed, the group asks what he’s doing and he tells them that something is forcing him to kneel. He eventually overcomes the aura and backs away from the statue.

Now cautious of the statues, Toph uses mage hand to grab the out-of-place harlequin mask from the statue of Bhaal. Nothing happens when the mask is removed so Toph puts it back. Liam decides to grab the mask and feels the same urge to kneel for Bane’s statue, but manages to shrug it off.

After searching the nearby storage room, the group begins making their way back to the surface. Mortlock points out what was behind the various doors the group passed on their way down (mostly traps). When they get back to the stairway leading to the bath house, Mortlock indicates that he will be leaving Baldur’s Gate for good. He advises the group that if they wish to get the attention of Duke Thalamra Vanthamper, their best bet would be to get some “leverage” by capturing his brother Amrik who could be found at the Low Latern.

They make their way back into the bath house, where Mortlock proceeds to tell one of the masseuses that the party is now in charge as he makes his way out of the establishment. Taken off guard by this news, the masseuse indicates that she’ll send a runner to consult with Duke Vanthamper. Toph gives the masseuse a gold piece in exchange for her discretion. The party quickly leaves and heads back to the Elf Song Tavern.

In celebration of their recent victory, the group orders drinks for the other patrons and get 3 rooms for the night (a grand, a medium, and a small room). Allan (the tavern owner) warns them not to step on the carpet in the medium sized room due to it being enchanted.

Elder Storm begins regaling everyone of their recent adventure at the bath house. Nedir, Liam, and Toph sit back and listen as Storm twists and stretches the events of their adventure into a truly epic tale where he alone saves the day at every turn. The patrons cheer as the story unfolds. Storm pauses as the Elf Song begins to sing, this time singing her usual story of a lover lost. After the Elf Song concludes, Elder resumes his enchanting tale.

The party goes up to the grand room and divides up their loot. Everyone then disperses to their respective areas (Ser Nedir in the grand room, Toph is given the medium-sized room where she barely manages to avoid stepping on the rug, Liam takes the small room, and Elder passes out at a table downstairs). They all take a well deserved night’s rest. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Descent into Avernus

Descent into Avernus Episode 04 – Life’s Rollercoaster

Due to technical difficulties, this episode could not be uploaded.

The adventurers continue their delve into the cultist’s lair. They find old lady Nebra, a florist who was kidnapped by the Cultists of the Dead 3 and brought down into the dungeon as a slave. She explains to the group that during her time there, she learned of their secret entrance nearby. Toph insight checks Nebra and feels that there’s something off about her. She attempts to console Nebra by gently grasping her arm, but Nebra pulls away. Toph soon shares her insight with Liam who doesn’t seem too surprised by it.

Nebra leads the group back down the stairs and points out where the secret door is. Sir Nedir and Liam both attempt to open the door, but are unsuccessful. Nebra then steps up and is eventually able to activate the hidden mechanism. The door opens to another chamber with foul stagnate water. Before moving on, the group decides to take a short rest back in the room where they found Nebra. Reluctant to go back to the room, Nebra voices her preference to leave immediately for the surface. Toph offers to go with Nebra back to the surface, but the group convince them it is better to stay and see this through (Never split the party!).

Commenting that she is starting to feel dry, Liam offers Nebra his waterskin. She politely declines, but thanks him for his offer. As they make their way back to the room Toph, Nedir, and Elder Storm enter first. Liam waits for Nebra to enter, but she insists he enters first (a standoff begins). Liam explains that in order for them to protect her properly, they need to cover both in front and behind her. Nebra proceeds to enter the room, but instead begins shutting the door. Alarmed by the sudden action, Liam attempts to stop her by disorienting her with his Bo staff. He misses and Nebra proceeds to shut the door, locking 3 of the party members inside. Nebra turns to Liam and immediately goes invisible.

Toph checks the room’s sarcophagus, which is filled with blood, but is unable to sense anything of immediate concern. Nedir attempts to break through the door that Nebra just shut. The door takes some damage, but holds firm. Liam, now by himself, attempts unsuccessfully to attack the old lady that’s now invisible. She reappears, but not as the old lady they saw. Rather she’s a woman in her late 20’s, wearing tight leather armor and covered head to toe in blood! She stabs Liam with her dagger, dealing enough damage that he falls to the floor unconscious. Going for the kill, she attacks again causing Liam to fail two death saving throws!

Storm, Nedir, and Toph continue to beat at the door attempting to break it down. Liam rolls his potentially last death save (NATURAL 20!) and stabalizes with 1 HP. Infuriated that he’s still alive, the cultist attacks Liam again, causing him to fall back unconscious and failing another two deaths saves. Storm and Nedir are finally able to break down the door. Nedir rushes out to find Liam bleeding out on the floor. Toph rushes up and casts Cure Wounds on Liam, bringing him back from death’s door once more. Nedir feels something brush past him, but he is unable to make contact with it. Liam rushes to follow her, but is once again caught off-guard as she appears behind him and stabs him again. Liam falls unconscious for the 3rd time. Storm gets to Liam and casts another Cure Wounds. The party then gets in formation, blocking the hallway and secret entrance (which is now open once more). They hear crumbling bones off in the distance as one of Storm’s skeletons is taken out by Nebra. Liam rushes back to the room where they found the Tiefling girl, Vendetta, who lies dead on the floor. Nebra appears once more behind Liam and tries to take him out again, but is unable to make contact. She goes invisible and manages to flee.

With the combat over, the group returns to the room with the blood filled sarcophagus. They take a short rest, regaining some of the strength. Having come so far, they decide to continue clearing out the lair. They go through the secret entrance and quietly trudge through the stagnate waters. They hear fighting up ahead. As they move forward, they find a human man, gravely wounded, with four dead cultists nearby. He is being attacked by another figure, a man whose head is a skull with no flesh (Death Head of Bhaal). Hearing their approach, the Death Head rushes up the stairs to the north.

The party cautiously approaches the wounded man. He introduces himself as Mortlock Vanthamper, the keeper of this establishment. In exchange for amnesty, Mortlock offers to tell the party whatever they wish to know. They agree. Mortlock explains that his family (the Vanthampers) run this place. They hired the Cultists of the Dead 3 to kill people around town. The goal was to make the Flaming Fists appear as though they couldn’t handle the situation, causing the city to drive them out. Once the Flaming Fists were gone, his mother (Duke Thalamra Vanthamper) would be able to step up as the new Grand Duke. That was the plan anyway. It seemed Mortlock was betrayed by his brothers who sent assassins to kill him. Not wanting any further involvment, Mortlock offers the stashed treasure horde to the group. The stash consists of 4 large locked chests. Nedir hands the keyring he snagged from the jailor to Toph, who uses mage hand to open the chests. Inside the chests they find a bunch of coin, two red crystal vials with gold stoppers, ten eye agates, a delicate porcelain dragon mask, and a bronze crown w/ 5 dragon shaped sapphires. Nedir recognizes the crown to be in honor of Tiamat, the chaotic evil dragon god. It appears this cult is tied with Tiamat in some way….

Descent into Avernus

Descent into Avernus Episode 03- Maximum Utility

Descent into Avernus Episode 03 – Maximum Utility
Descent into Avernus

Descent into Avernus Episode 02 – The Cultist Lair (Part 1)

Descent into Avernus Episode 02 – The Cultist Lair (Part 1)

Descent into Avernus

Descent into Avernus Episode 01 – “There’s Adventure in There!”

Our heroes, to varying degrees, haunt the scene of a murder most foul. While none of us (purportedly) actually thrust the blade into the twisted surgeon’s heart, we were rounded up as guilty all the same.

Ser Nedir von Turnuroth, Liam Hanali, Toph Beifong and “Elder Storm” are led to the captain of the guard for judgement.

Descent into Avernus Episode 01 – “There’s Adventure in There!”

Episode II: The Double Dicking Part I


Episode I: The Rise of the Dick Bags Part II

This is Part II of our first episode, in which much goodwill is shared with patrons of a local bar, and our adventurers meet Tong, the crime lord we deserve.